Thursday, June 9, 2016

America: History's Exception by Victor Davis Hanson

In his article, America: History's Exception, Victor Davis Hanson provides an interesting background of diversity in America and how the country is different than many other countries. Hanson explains that historically, countries such as Germany and Italy valued "racial purity" and uniformity. America, on the other hand, was a culturally diverse nation.

Hanson also explains that America thrived when people of different races were able to become "Americans," while still keeping their own cultures and traditions. When America shifted from "multiracial" to "multicultural" in the 20th century, discrimination and injustice took place. Over time, America has become mostly "multiracial" again, allowing people to live in unity and keep their cultural backgrounds.

At the end of the article, Hanson makes a powerful statement that "we should remember that diversity is an ornament, but unity is our strength." This article provides a valid argument America's ability to embrace different cultures, yet live together as one nation has enabled the country to become a successful and powerful nation.

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