Saturday, June 11, 2016

Country Over Party. Blog 3

In the editorial, Republicans Considering Endorsing Trump Should Value Country Over Party, the author (whose name is not given) makes the claim that voters should value the outcome of the country over loyalty to their political party. The author wrote this editorial to republicans in an attempt to convince them not to vote for Donald Trump. Their question, "What will it be, party or country?" displays that they do not support Trump. This also implies that everyone who is considering voting for Trump is doing so because they want to be loyal republicans, not because they believe he is the preferable presidential candidate. Their logic is that people who vote for Trump will have to "hold [their] breath for four solid years," due to their overpowering interest in remaining loyal to the republican part rather than the outcome of the United States.

The author supports their argument and establishes some credibility when they quote three credible republicans that do not support Donald Trump. For instance, they quote Scott Rigell, a republican U.S. Representative for Virginia's 2nd congressional district, when he stated, "My love for our country eclipses my loyalty to our party, and to live with a clear conscience I will not support a nominee so lacking in the judgement, temperament and character needed to be our nation's commander-in-chief." The author's use of quotes from republicans opposing Donald Trump supports their argument. However, the author neglects to mention the credible republicans that do support Trump. Additionally, the author's argument also relies on the assumption that republicans considering voting for Trump are doing so solely because of loyalty to the political party. Although this may be true for some voters, many are considering voting for Trump because they believe he is the better candidate, even if they do not completely support him.

While I believe it is important that voters value the outcome of the country over loyalty to their political party, I disagree with the author's claim that not voting for Donald Trump automatically means the United States will have a more preferable outcome. I found this editorial interesting because I believe it is important that voters support who they believe will be the best at leading this country rather than getting trapped in political parties.

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