Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Comment on Classmate's Blog

The original editorial written by my classmate Andrew H. establishes a strong argument about holes in Donald Trump's campaign. I agree with the point that Trump definitely has issues with his campaign, however I would like to comment on the discussion of the Second Amendment Rights. The author mentions (and I agree) that the typical Republican argument for gun rights is that they are necessary for self-defense. They then bring up the argument that if no one had guns, people would not need them for self-defense, which is also true in theory. This is where I would like to add a point. I believe that it is important to remember that making guns illegal will not keep them from the attackers in shootings. While studies show that the majority of guns used in mass shootings are obtained legally, this does not mean that shooters will simply stop committing violent acts if guns are made illegal. Instead, by making guns illegal, we would be preventing the people who abide by the laws from having guns, but the evil attackers/shooters would likely just find a way to obtain guns illegally. Clearly they do not care about following the law, or they would not be murdering people. My question is: What makes you think they would care about following a law about guns being illegal if that was established? This is why I believe it is a right for the law abiding citizens--who obtain guns legally and use them responsibly--to be able to possess guns. There will always be evil and bad people in this world, so making guns illegal would not rid us of the need to protect ourselves.

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